Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Re: Dear Powers That Be,

Thank you for reminding me that you're listening (and reading my blog).

Dan got a job, yesterday!  He seems pretty happy about where he'll be working, too.  That's a fantabulous bonus.  I'm happy for him.

I appreciate the break, even though it came on a hectic day at school.  That, too, shall pass.

Unfortunately, I have no pictures to include in this post.  I didn't snap anything interesting today.  My apologies.

As a highlight for today, I did, however, smash a chip and wipe the remnants onto the floor in a friend's classroom.  We laughed - a lot.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Dear Powers That Be,

I'm extremely grateful for the opportunities you have brought my way over the past year.  I am now a successful teacher who loves her job dearly.  I've made some fantastic friends I'll probably have for life.  Additionally, I'm also now engaged to a man who is not only wonderful to me, but is also my intellectual equal and best friend.  I thank you for those large events and all the small ones in between.

However, I need a break.  Not in the "summer break" sort of way, but in the "lay off the bad shiznit" sort of way. Every time things start to go really well, another damned letter comes in the mail or a "friend" goes absolutely bat-shit crazy and starts sending out lunatic messages because she forgot her medication.

For those who worry; please don't.  There's nothing going on that I/we can't deal with.  It's just a matter of being tired of it being one more senseless thing after the next.  I'm trying to believe the world is not populated with as many stupid/lazy/crazy people as it seems.

In an attempt to make this post not all emo ranting, I've included a picture of the Walking Iris plant from this morning, which had 6 (6!) blooms as well as a picture of Moira, my Bengal mix cat snuggled up to a bear my students gave me.  Enjoy.

Friday, May 20, 2011

For the fun of it

I really wanted to volunteer for the dunk tank for the 8th grade picnic.  However, I am a 6th grade teacher with a class full of 6th graders during the planned time for the picnic.  Thankfully, they wanted another volunteer enough that I was able to take my 6th graders, who were absolutely thrilled, to the 8th grade picnic today.

Originally, the kids were told that it would cost $1 for 3 shots at knocking whomever was sitting for the dunk tank into the water.  One of my little darlings (a child who never does anything wrong, is always polite, and puts up with sitting near my biggest headache of 6th period) informed me that he brought $20 to school because he planned to make sure I was dunked.  Flattered and surprised, I countered that I wasn't worried if he thought he needed $20 worth of shots in order to knock me into the water.  To this he responded that he had been practicing throwing and actually just intended to knock me into the water a lot. I have no "after" pictures as of yet.

On a completely different topic, the auction house from where I bought my dress posted pictures they had taken of me trying on dresses.  I figured some of you might enjoy checking these out.  Don't worry, the dress isn't pictured.

(Checking out the bustle of this one.  Wasn't really a fan.  Also too big - trying to hold it on.)

(Didn't like the diagonal cut of the front of this one.  Way too big, too.)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dear Wells Fargo,

I can't completely hate you because my best friend used to work for you.  I have many fond memories of hanging out at the University of Texas at El Paso branch with my buddy.  You've also been good to me as far as my checking and student loans go (though I'm a little irritated you sold my loan off to some random company.... but it's all good; I like them).

However, after the letter I received via snail-mail today, I'd just like to take a moment to tell you to go jump in a lake.  Yes, I do mind that you decided to tack on a $29 annual fee to my credit card which has zero rewards or perks.  While $29 isn't a lot of money once a year, I'd rather not throw it away and get absolutely nothing of value in return.

So, to conclude, I have cancelled my credit card.  This was my very first credit card, ever.  You may want to think about taking some classes in keeping customers because your actions certainly display a clear lack of knowledge in that area.



P.S. - Don't be surprised if I find myself a new bank for my checking and savings accounts.  There is no reward in banking with you.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Feet and Popsicles

Yesterday, I called in a sub and stayed home.  Any time I call in a sub, the children go whack-a-doo crazy pants and lose their minds.  (Really, they are good kids... when I'm there.)

Instead of going to my teacher mailbox in the morning, where I would have been greeted by this:

I went directly to my classroom, where I was greeted by a detailed note of the horrors that were my children the day before. 

So, I decided, instead of spending the whole class talking about drama, I'd lecture them on life - how to be more responsible, lasting impressions, and acting more like adults.

I seemed to be making an impact on 98% of the kids throughout the day.  Though, I'm unsure how affected the kids in my 6th period class were by the lecture on growing up.  My fantabulous co-teacher, who co-teaches with me for just the one class, brought me a Popsicle!

While eating the Popsicle, I lectured the children on growing up and being better people.  I probably shouldn't have stuck my blue tongue out at them in various intervals during the lecture...

.... I know.  You're dying to know the story behind the foot.  I'll have to tell you later since I've got to run - dinner plans.  For now, just try to imagine me asking children, as I left the building to go home, if they would like to smell my foot.

Monday, May 16, 2011

And I saw this:

Can you rent these things? What merits having the weinermobile in my city?
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"New" Things

While staying home with the plague, I decided I ought to find a box large enough to ship out my first wedding gown.

About that... I am a confirmed online-shopaholic.  So, when I got engaged, I began scouring the internet for a gown.  This is before I ever tried on a gown and had any idea of what would look good or what I truly wanted.  So, needless to say, I bought a gown I later regretted (not what I was looking for, way too big, etc.).  Fortunately, I was able to list the dress on Once Wed and it sold fairly quickly to someone who will likely appreciate it more than me.  I digress.

In my closet I had a big Disney box large enough in which to ship a wedding gown.  However, in this box was a bunch of clothes I had packed up after I had gained weight.  As of today, I've lost 18 lbs since August 2010.  It's amazing what a massive amount of walking and limiting portion sizes as well as junk food intake will do.  Anywho, I decided to try on everything in the box.  All of it fit!  Half of it was so out of style there was no reason to keep it, so it went into another box to donate.  It was like getting new stuff for free!

While going outside for a moment, I discovered the "Walking Iris" plant had bloomed!  This thing rarely blooms.  Even when it does, it never has more than 2 blooms at once.  This time, there were 4 blooms!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Obligatory "Back-to-Blogging" Lament/First Post

During my foray into the world of personal branding (thanks, Twitteratti PR friends), I decided to delete all of my blogs since they wouldn't necessarily mesh with the professional Lindsey I was attempting to market at the time.  Not that I was concerned about my personal life and opinions affecting my chances of getting a career; I was concerned that I was marketing myself as an expert in an area about which I had no professional blogs.

Anyway, I could go on explaining all of this, but, alas, I've given up writing about the Houston job search ( is a joke).

So, here we meet again, blogosphere.  I don't know where this blog will go.  I do know that I'll be sharing my creations from Prim Beads, thoughts on life, various photo observations of life in Houston, and perhaps a few too-good-to-not-share stories from the classroom.