Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Feet and Popsicles

Yesterday, I called in a sub and stayed home.  Any time I call in a sub, the children go whack-a-doo crazy pants and lose their minds.  (Really, they are good kids... when I'm there.)

Instead of going to my teacher mailbox in the morning, where I would have been greeted by this:

I went directly to my classroom, where I was greeted by a detailed note of the horrors that were my children the day before. 

So, I decided, instead of spending the whole class talking about drama, I'd lecture them on life - how to be more responsible, lasting impressions, and acting more like adults.

I seemed to be making an impact on 98% of the kids throughout the day.  Though, I'm unsure how affected the kids in my 6th period class were by the lecture on growing up.  My fantabulous co-teacher, who co-teaches with me for just the one class, brought me a Popsicle!

While eating the Popsicle, I lectured the children on growing up and being better people.  I probably shouldn't have stuck my blue tongue out at them in various intervals during the lecture...

.... I know.  You're dying to know the story behind the foot.  I'll have to tell you later since I've got to run - dinner plans.  For now, just try to imagine me asking children, as I left the building to go home, if they would like to smell my foot.

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