Friday, July 15, 2011

Diet Trial #1

While shopping at Big Lots, I noticed they had Special K Red Berries on sale for $2 a box.  I love the freeze dried strawberries in the cereal.  That was reason enough for me to buy 2 boxes.

On the box it says that it is possible to lose 6 lbs in 2 weeks on the "Special K" diet.  I've nothing better to do with myself than to try it this summer.  Hell, it'll save me money to eat Special K for lunch and breakfast (it's been an extremely expensive month at my house).

So, today is day 1 on the Special K diet.  Instead of putting milk in the 1 cup of cereal I'm allotted, I opted for a half cup of French Vanilla Greek yogurt, instead - it was actually less calories than the 2% milk would have been.

Let me just say - this may be my new favorite way to eat cereal.  I don't miss the milk.  The yogurt was already a treat for me.

I'll keep you all updated on how fast I get sick of eating Special K and whether or not I lose 6 lbs in two weeks.


  1. Nice! Let us know how it goes. But I would be sick of it after 1 week. I find it easier to do things that are sustainable over time and for me this one wouldn't be. But my brother already eats cereal for most of his meals (out of bachelor laziness) and we bug him because he can't keep the wait on! That could also have something to do with how much he bikes....

  2. I've been pretty good about gradually losing weight by simply being reasonable about what I eat, drinking more water and doing a lot of walking.

    It's been harder this summer - I'm not forced to stay on my feet for 8 hours, pacing a classroom. My sleep habits have completely changed, too. I expect to be back on track in about a week when I start more teacher training.

    I lost 20 lbs last year with my half-assed plan! I figure, if I can lose 10 more in a year, I'm good to go for my wedding. French fries and popcorn are my weakness.
