When we first moved into our new house, there was this calico stray cat who used to roam our yard. It was just a fixture of the house - the same as the Blue Jays and Cardinals, squirrels, and that horrible possum. I got used to looking out of the window over the kitchen sink and seeing the cat slink across the yard.
Then, it stopped showing up for a while.
While the neighborhood community garage sale was going on, I went to go check out other sales (I ended up with a TRUNK filled with shells - but that's another story). When I got back, Dan, my fiance, told me he had seen the same cat hobbling across the street. He said it looked like one of its rear legs had been ripped off and that there was just bone protruding from its leg. I was horrified and called animal control to see if they could help catch the cat to get it some help. Eventually, they showed up, but we were unable to find the cat. I was sick over it for a long time.
One day, out of the blue, I cought a glimpse of the cat walking in one of the yards near ours. I got a good look at its leg (I was sitting in my car at the time, so it didn't skitter away). I guess the poor thing was able to make it through the pain. Its fur healed over the bone. There's no foot there - just a nub. I'm not sure what happened to the poor cat.
Our neighbors to one side said they had been feeding the cat, but had been unsuccessful at capturing it to take it to a vet. I tried to leave food out for it once, but have a feeling that the squirrels ate the kibble instead.
This morning, on my way out to take out some garbage, I noticed the cat coming toward my front door. It of course paused and backtracked slowly. I spoke nicely to it and went back inside as calmly and as fast as I could. I was able to get some kitty kibble into a bowl and outside before the cat had taken off completely. I left it alone and watched from inside my house as it ate the whole bowl (I'd put maybe half a cup in the bowl).
It made me feel so wonderful to be able to get that unfortunate cat some food. It is definitely much thinner now than it was when we moved into the house. I'm guessing it is harder for the cat to hunt with a missing hind leg foot.
As I was getting ready to leave the house later, I noticed the cat was in the yard again. I went inside and got a bowl of water and food - this time more food. I got both out to the cat without spooking it. While it was eating, I was able to get about 8 feet away. It ate and ate and ate, barely stopping for water. It stopped to sit and pant a while (it was about 100 today, with humidity). It broke my heart to realize there was no way I could capture the cat to bring it inside, in the air, and take it to a vet, to get it some likely needed medical help.
Maybe it'll get friendly enough with me at some point where I'll be able to help it out. I know Dan says absolutely no more pets... But I would spoil the cat so much! It wouldn't ever have to hunt for food on a bad leg, search for drinkable, cool water, or a cool place to hide when it's hot. Here's hoping I can do something for the cat to help it.
The cat just feels like part of living here, since it was here from the start - before us, really.
Bad left hind leg.
It looks like practically skin and bones compared to what it was before.