Thursday, May 24, 2012

30 Things Series - My Thoughts on Age & Numbers 3, 4

I haven't posted a 30 Things blog in a while. This is mostly because I've been so dang busy with other things (end of the school year, making travel plans, wedding stuff, house stuff, running, whatever). It's also maybe because I've been thinking about getting old, myself.

Seriously, don't laugh. Peter Pan Syndrome Miss Lindsey has those days, too!

I remember when I was 22, on my way to Disney World for an internship, when I discovered my first wrinkles on my forehead. I blogged about them then, horrified. Life was going to be over after Disney, I may as well buy a dozen cats, start drinking martinis and sign up for regular Botox shots. Then, I got to Disney and forgot how old I was. While I can't visit Disney every time I start to feel old, I can recapture the wonder of being young.

Age is nothing more than a number. In many ways, I'm more mature now than I was 10 years ago. I'm many other ways, I'm still the same kid at heart. It's important to find what makes you happy. Bring yourself back to whatever that is, whether it be in person or in memory, and hold onto whatever it is. Take a walk, see something new, read a book, learn something, make things, set unreasonable goals, or simply hang out with kids and see the world through their eyes. It'll keep you young, always, no matter what your number may be.

Now, to get caught up with 30 Things. I feel like 3 and 4 can be lumped together in one post. Here goes:

3. Something perfect to wear if the employer or the man of your dreams wants to see you in an hour.

4. A purse, a suitcase, and an umbrella you're not ashamed to be seen carrying.

I own several suits which fit me. I've amassed this collection throughout my 20s, making sure to choose stylish, yet classic looks so I can wear them for many years. Some weren't expensive, found at Marshalls or on Ebay for a steal. Sure, you may not think you have an excuse to own a suit, but just wait until you need one last minute. You'll wish you had some in stock. Buy something you can use the pieces of during your regular work week, like a black skirt suit, and wear the skirt or jacket with other items from your closet.

On the other side of the coin, you need to own a little black dress. Nothing too slinky or short. Just something that hangs just right on whatever your frame may be. If black isn't your color, find something in a solid, reasonable color. You can never go wrong with a great, simple dress. They can be dressed up or down for whatever the occasion may be.

Though, truly, I'm the kind of girl to show up to meet the man of her dreams while wearing jeans, tennies and whatever random shirt looked good at the time. He ought to love me like that if he is the man of my dreams, right? ;)

As far as the purse, suitcase and umbrella go, I wouldn't say they are staples a woman must have before 30, but are good ideas. There's no reason to be carrying around purses a teenager might carry, toting a SpiderMan umbrella and a beat up, 5th generation thrift store suitcase.

The Christmas before I left for Houston, my aunt Barbara bought me a black umbrella which folded up small enough to fit in most purses. I still have it and prefer it. I suggest something like this. Though, I also have a bundle of Disney World umbrellas, since I never seemed to have one when I needed one in Florida, which I find acceptable.

My fantastic suitcases I stole from my mother. I'll be honest. They're great and a result of me traveling to El Paso with a tiny bag, necessitating a larger, or second bag, for the return trip. (Thanks, Mom!). While shopping at your parents house seems like a good idea, Marshalls or Burlington Coat Factory are really great for finding decent luggage at reasonable prices.

1 comment:

  1. Yea, shopping at Mom's is great, but shopping with Mom is better. See you soon. Perhaps you and Granny will find time to shop, huh?

    Love you-can't wait for your visit. School is almost over -yea yea!
