Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Painted White Lines & the People Who Ignore Them

There is this portion of my commute home in which the southwest freeway (59) merges with Beltway 8 going east.  Three lanes of Beltway 8 merge together to become 2 lanes right before the merge with 59 and then becomes 3 lanes again.  Shortly thereafter, Beltway 8 merges back into 2 lanes.  Traffic backs up horribly in this area.  When painting the lines, for whatever safety reason, the City of Houston decided to leave enough room on Beltway 8 that if someone decided to blatantly disobey traffic laws and keep driving in their own imaginary lane, regardless of the striped off area that is no longer a lane, that person would be able to do so without worrying much about dying in a violent wreck.

This infuriates me.  See, my exit is directly after the merge.  So, when others are merging left to get on the Beltway from 59, I'm merging right to get off the road.  Everyday, there are people who think painted lines don't apply to them.  As I patiently (sometimes impatiently) await my turn to merge right, other arsehats decide that it is the cool thing to do to drive over the painted-no-longer-a-lane area to "merge" right.  

I'm unsure if I am so irritated by this because they are constantly breaking the law and not getting caught or because I'm too much of a goody-good to break the law myself and therefore am stuck waiting my turn to merge.

In my next life I am driving without abandon.  Don't worry, I'll at least sign up to be an organ donor to even things out.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Have a Magical Day!

First, a little good news: the 3 legged cat finally reappeared today.  I had been worried since I hadn't seen it in nearly a month and it has been so insanely hot outside.  I threw an ice cube in the water I set out for it.

Second, the fish I bought for my classroom has been acting strange.  It buries itself head first into the rocks.  I'm guessing it's because he hates the lights?  I'm going to work on finding some sort of hiding space for the fish for inside the tank.  His new name is Jack.  Funny, since last year's fiction assignment was "Where's Jack?".  Little did anyone know, Jack was really a fish.  

My school is still under construction.  That's been an adventure.  Here's to learning how to be more patient when things are miscommunicated.  I cannot change others or their actions, but I can change myself and my circumstances.

I've inadvertently taught how to imply things.  Everything is "magical".  Disney folk, you'll understand.  

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Back to School

Well, it's time.  I guess I've somewhat already been back at work since I've had training for the past week and a half.  However, now it's officially time to go back to school for the teachers in my district.  WHOO! (Right?)

I may be an odd duck out for this, but I'm excited for the new school year.  I've picked up a handful of really good tools in the past week and a half of training which I can't wait to use.  That, and I've been really bored.  It's not that I haven't had things to do this summer - I have.  Maybe I'm a workaholic.  I prefer to think of it as I prefer to have a greater purpose to dedicate myself to on a daily basis.

Anyway, my future father-in-law sent me this teacher joke today and I figured I'd share it in honor of going back to school.  Good luck everyone going back!

A former Sergeant with the Marine Corps, having served his time, took a new job as a school teacher; but just before the school year started he injured his back.

He was required to wear a plaster cast around the upper part of his body. Fortunately, the cast fit under his shirt and wasn't noticeable. On the first day of class, he found himself assigned to the toughest students in the school.

The smart-alecky punks, having already heard the new teacher was a former Marine, were leery of him and decided to see how tough he really was, before trying any pranks. Walking confidently into the rowdy classroom, the new teacher opened the window wide and sat down at his desk.

When a strong breeze made his tie flap, he picked up a stapler and promptly stapled the tie to his chest. 

.....Dead silence... He had no trouble with discipline that year.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wrapped Up (Part 3)

My original intention was to go old style pilot - which translates in my head to black leggings, knee high boots (I have some amazing boots), some kind of shirt I didn't give any thought to, and a white scarf tied around my neck.  I was most excited about the boots and leggings.  Pairing the two make me want to climb things  and crouch around like Catwoman.

Alas, I was too tired this morning to figure out a solution to the problem of not knowing what shirt to wear, so the whole idea was scrapped in favor of tennies, jeans, a navy shirt and a white scarf.  The V neck of my shirt went well with the style of the scarf.  I don't know what the actual name of the style is, so I'm going to call it the lazy ascot.  I'm not sure I'd wear this style again, though I think it looked good.

I'm getting bored with these bathroom pictures, so expect more odd poses.  I have no idea why I am contemplating the ceiling.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wrapped Up (Part 2)

My good friend, Arianne, sent me a whole slew of ways to wear a scarf.  I liked the way this one was tied.  You pretty much fold it in half, put it around your neck, thread one end of the scarf through the end loop, twist the loop once and thread the other end of the scarf through.  Viola.  

I was concerned the scarf would be too heavy - it's a silk scarf by Anne Klein.  However, it was the only thing keeping me mildly warm today.  I forgot how thin the leggings and shirts from Victoria's Secret are and how cold the trainings for school are typically.  

Since the whole outfit looked nicely put together, I'll probably wear the whole ensemble again.  

Yes, that was taken in the bathroom.  Enjoy the peek at my shower curtain and rug.

In other news, my Sebring was posted for sale at a dealership in El Paso, TX.  It was pretty much my first car.  I exclude my Porsche 944, though it truly was my first car, because I never really learned how to drive it.  I'm really going to miss the Sebring.  Here's hoping somebody buys the car and loves it as much as I did.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Wrapped Up (Part 1)

Last summer I bought a bunch of summery (read: not heavy) scarves with the intention of wearing them and looking absolutely fabulous and chic (not like a hobo, like one suggested).  I got them home and realized, after a little bit of trial and almost all error, that I had no idea how to wear a scarf.  So into a box they went.

I recently re-discovered this magical box of scarves and instantly became re-frustrated with the concept of summer scarves.  In my frustration, I turned to Facebook and asked my friends how in the heck to wear a scarf in the summer.  I got varied responses.

I've decided to try them all and document them for you here.  I'm unsure how "wear it like a pirate" day will go, but I'm game.

Today's adventure in scarf land was the "square scarf around the neck and tied to the side".  Half the battle was finding a shirt to pair with this style.

I got a few remarks about the scarf - mostly positive, some entertaining.  All in all, I'd say I would wear this style again.

I know the coloring of the picture sucks.  My apologies.  Maybe I'll take the next one outside.  Maybe.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Diet Trial #1 - Week 1 Update

So, I'm thinking this Special K diet thing will be an easier thing to do after school starts and I lack the option to go out to eat for lunch.  I'll be honest, I haven't stuck with the Special K stuff for breakfast and lunch.  Breakfast is easy enough to do.  However, since I'm still out for the summer and being mildly social, lunch hasn't been easy.

That being said, I've still dropped a little over 3 lbs in a week.  Whoo!  The diet promised 6 lbs in two weeks and I'm half way there in time and weight.

I spoke with one of my new friends who is a runner about taking up running.  She had some good pointers and promised to share a lot more via her blog (I'd link you, but I'm not sure if she's into me broadcasting her page).  The first major change I would have to make would be to start going to bed and getting up a lot earlier so I could run in the mornings.  Once school starts, I'll attempt to adjust my schedule to make that happen.  Then, we'll see how running goes.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Breaks my Heart

When we first moved into our new house, there was this calico stray cat who used to roam our yard.  It was just a fixture of the house - the same as the Blue Jays and Cardinals, squirrels, and that horrible possum.  I got used to looking out of the window over the kitchen sink and seeing the cat slink across the yard.

Then, it stopped showing up for a while.

While the neighborhood community garage sale was going on, I went to go check out other sales (I ended up with a TRUNK filled with shells - but that's another story).  When I got back, Dan, my fiance, told me he had seen the same cat hobbling across the street.  He said it looked like one of its rear legs had been ripped off and that there was just bone protruding from its leg.  I was horrified and called animal control to see if they could help catch the cat to get it some help.  Eventually, they showed up, but we were unable to find the cat.  I was sick over it for a long time.

One day, out of the blue, I cought a glimpse of the cat walking in one of the yards near ours.  I got a good look at its leg (I was sitting in my car at the time, so it didn't skitter away).  I guess the poor thing was able to make it through the pain.  Its fur healed over the bone.  There's no foot there - just a nub.  I'm not sure what happened to the poor cat.

Our neighbors to one side said they had been feeding the cat, but had been unsuccessful at capturing it to take it to a vet.  I tried to leave food out for it once, but have a feeling that the squirrels ate the kibble instead.

This morning, on my way out to take out some garbage, I noticed the cat coming toward my front door.  It of course paused and backtracked slowly.  I spoke nicely to it and went back inside as calmly and as fast as I could.  I was able to get some kitty kibble into a bowl and outside before the cat had taken off completely.  I left it alone and watched from inside my house as it ate the whole bowl (I'd put maybe half a cup in the bowl).

It made me feel so wonderful to be able to get that unfortunate cat some food.  It is definitely much thinner now than it was when we moved into the house.  I'm guessing it is harder for the cat to hunt with a missing hind leg foot.

As I was getting ready to leave the house later, I noticed the cat was in the yard again.  I went inside and got a bowl of water and food - this time more food.  I got both out to the cat without spooking it.  While it was eating, I was able to get about 8 feet away.  It ate and ate and ate, barely stopping for water.  It stopped to sit and pant a while (it was about 100 today, with humidity).  It broke my heart to realize there was no way I could capture the cat to bring it inside, in the air, and take it to a vet, to get it some likely needed medical help.

Maybe it'll get friendly enough with me at some point where I'll be able to help it out.  I know Dan says absolutely no more pets... But I would spoil the cat so much!  It wouldn't ever have to hunt for food on a bad leg, search for drinkable, cool water, or a cool place to hide when it's hot.  Here's hoping I can do something for the cat to help it.

The cat just feels like part of living here, since it was here from the start - before us, really.

 Bad left hind leg.

It looks like practically skin and bones compared to what it was before.


Friday, July 15, 2011

Diet Trial #1

While shopping at Big Lots, I noticed they had Special K Red Berries on sale for $2 a box.  I love the freeze dried strawberries in the cereal.  That was reason enough for me to buy 2 boxes.

On the box it says that it is possible to lose 6 lbs in 2 weeks on the "Special K" diet.  I've nothing better to do with myself than to try it this summer.  Hell, it'll save me money to eat Special K for lunch and breakfast (it's been an extremely expensive month at my house).

So, today is day 1 on the Special K diet.  Instead of putting milk in the 1 cup of cereal I'm allotted, I opted for a half cup of French Vanilla Greek yogurt, instead - it was actually less calories than the 2% milk would have been.

Let me just say - this may be my new favorite way to eat cereal.  I don't miss the milk.  The yogurt was already a treat for me.

I'll keep you all updated on how fast I get sick of eating Special K and whether or not I lose 6 lbs in two weeks.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Another Food Triumph (Now with included recipe!)

I'm almost sorry we didn't have people over for dinner tonight.  Had we had people over, like we often do, I would have no leftovers.  That would have been bad after tonight's meal of apple and sage pork chops, sour cream and dill red skin potato salad, and macaroni and cheese.

Because you're all special people (I have no idea who most of my readers are... but you're nonetheless special), I'm actually including the recipe to part of tonight's feast.  Enjoy the eye candy.  I completely recommend trying this at home.  It may not be good for you, but it certainly tastes damned good.

(This actually came as part of a pre-measured spice pack - neat idea.)

Once upon a time I had said that if ever the highlight of my day were what I cooked for dinner, something had gone terribly wrong in my life.  I still stand by that.  However, tonight, I'll make an exception.  Apple and sage pork chops were awesome.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I Cooked, and Other Summer Projects

When asked, I typically say I don't cook.  For the most part, it's true.  Dan does all of the cooking or we go out.  The truth of the matter is that I can cook, I just don't like to cook.  Every now and then, I get bored enough to really cook.  I meant to take pictures of the "garbage" I cooked that turned into amazing Thai chicken and noodles in awesome sauce, but, alas, I used my energy on cooking the stuff.  Anyway, I did manage to get a picture of the Thai chicken and coconut-red curry soup I made today.  It was accompanied by Thai iced tea.  

When I went to go upload the picture, I remembered another picture I had taken and not shared.  My curiosity, sweet tooth, and self-hating love of wine (damned allergies), were all killing me.  I don't know where I got the willpower, but I didn't end up buying either one of these. 

While sitting around the house this summer, bored out of my mind, watching garbage such as "Toddlers in Tiaras" and endless cake shows, I've been trying to expand my craft repetiore.  (A side note - anyone who can sit at home, awake from 8 am until 4 pm, without children to take care of during those hours, I don't know how you do it.  My brain would be soup.)

I started to knit.  I failed to check to see how much yarn was needed for a scarf.  Thus, I ran out of yarn and have a "scarf" about 10 inches wide by 18 inches long.  

After finding the idea on the net, I made that book page-flower wreath.  That went well (I posted pictures in my last blog post).  However, I don't believe I'll be making paper flowers out of streamers and gluing them to styrofoam balls any time soon.  It takes WAY to long to make those flower things and I'd need WAY too many.

So, I went back to making jewelry.  I found some neat glass animal beads to make rings out of and fried some marbles to make into pendants.  

I've since made more of the pendants.  However, you'll have to go check them out in my Etsy shop (or via my shop's Facebook page - since you're there anyway, you may as well "Like" the page, too) later this evening when I post those pictures.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Long-winded Projects

After several weeks and many serious burns from my dollar store hot glue gun (I figured out why it was only a dollar), I have finally completed my book page-flower wreath.

When I first saw this craft online at Under the Table and Dreaming, I thought, "Wow! I have got to make one of those.  It looks so easy."  While not any one part of this craft project was particularly complicated or hard, it took forever.

While endlessly cutting swirls out of book pages (I used Anne Lamott's "Hard Laughter" and Rick Riordan's "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief"), I realized that this project had become a metaphor for my time in college.

I started both very excited and ambitious, thinking it would be fun and easy to do.  While not wrong about the easy part, I was very wrong about the fun part.  Sure, it started out fun.  I even had a few drinks and listened to a lot of good music while working.  I eventually started to look for any sort of distraction I could find while working.  This caused me to slow down my work and dragged the whole process on.  Finally, disgusted that everything had taken so long, I was determined to just finish.  I powered through to the end.  At last, I was left with something to be proud of: a college degree/wreath.

(Hanging from black and shimmery, sheer scroll ribbon)

(Close- up detail)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Re: Dear Powers That Be,

Thank you for reminding me that you're listening (and reading my blog).

Dan got a job, yesterday!  He seems pretty happy about where he'll be working, too.  That's a fantabulous bonus.  I'm happy for him.

I appreciate the break, even though it came on a hectic day at school.  That, too, shall pass.

Unfortunately, I have no pictures to include in this post.  I didn't snap anything interesting today.  My apologies.

As a highlight for today, I did, however, smash a chip and wipe the remnants onto the floor in a friend's classroom.  We laughed - a lot.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Dear Powers That Be,

I'm extremely grateful for the opportunities you have brought my way over the past year.  I am now a successful teacher who loves her job dearly.  I've made some fantastic friends I'll probably have for life.  Additionally, I'm also now engaged to a man who is not only wonderful to me, but is also my intellectual equal and best friend.  I thank you for those large events and all the small ones in between.

However, I need a break.  Not in the "summer break" sort of way, but in the "lay off the bad shiznit" sort of way. Every time things start to go really well, another damned letter comes in the mail or a "friend" goes absolutely bat-shit crazy and starts sending out lunatic messages because she forgot her medication.

For those who worry; please don't.  There's nothing going on that I/we can't deal with.  It's just a matter of being tired of it being one more senseless thing after the next.  I'm trying to believe the world is not populated with as many stupid/lazy/crazy people as it seems.

In an attempt to make this post not all emo ranting, I've included a picture of the Walking Iris plant from this morning, which had 6 (6!) blooms as well as a picture of Moira, my Bengal mix cat snuggled up to a bear my students gave me.  Enjoy.

Friday, May 20, 2011

For the fun of it

I really wanted to volunteer for the dunk tank for the 8th grade picnic.  However, I am a 6th grade teacher with a class full of 6th graders during the planned time for the picnic.  Thankfully, they wanted another volunteer enough that I was able to take my 6th graders, who were absolutely thrilled, to the 8th grade picnic today.

Originally, the kids were told that it would cost $1 for 3 shots at knocking whomever was sitting for the dunk tank into the water.  One of my little darlings (a child who never does anything wrong, is always polite, and puts up with sitting near my biggest headache of 6th period) informed me that he brought $20 to school because he planned to make sure I was dunked.  Flattered and surprised, I countered that I wasn't worried if he thought he needed $20 worth of shots in order to knock me into the water.  To this he responded that he had been practicing throwing and actually just intended to knock me into the water a lot. I have no "after" pictures as of yet.

On a completely different topic, the auction house from where I bought my dress posted pictures they had taken of me trying on dresses.  I figured some of you might enjoy checking these out.  Don't worry, the dress isn't pictured.

(Checking out the bustle of this one.  Wasn't really a fan.  Also too big - trying to hold it on.)

(Didn't like the diagonal cut of the front of this one.  Way too big, too.)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dear Wells Fargo,

I can't completely hate you because my best friend used to work for you.  I have many fond memories of hanging out at the University of Texas at El Paso branch with my buddy.  You've also been good to me as far as my checking and student loans go (though I'm a little irritated you sold my loan off to some random company.... but it's all good; I like them).

However, after the letter I received via snail-mail today, I'd just like to take a moment to tell you to go jump in a lake.  Yes, I do mind that you decided to tack on a $29 annual fee to my credit card which has zero rewards or perks.  While $29 isn't a lot of money once a year, I'd rather not throw it away and get absolutely nothing of value in return.

So, to conclude, I have cancelled my credit card.  This was my very first credit card, ever.  You may want to think about taking some classes in keeping customers because your actions certainly display a clear lack of knowledge in that area.



P.S. - Don't be surprised if I find myself a new bank for my checking and savings accounts.  There is no reward in banking with you.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Feet and Popsicles

Yesterday, I called in a sub and stayed home.  Any time I call in a sub, the children go whack-a-doo crazy pants and lose their minds.  (Really, they are good kids... when I'm there.)

Instead of going to my teacher mailbox in the morning, where I would have been greeted by this:

I went directly to my classroom, where I was greeted by a detailed note of the horrors that were my children the day before. 

So, I decided, instead of spending the whole class talking about drama, I'd lecture them on life - how to be more responsible, lasting impressions, and acting more like adults.

I seemed to be making an impact on 98% of the kids throughout the day.  Though, I'm unsure how affected the kids in my 6th period class were by the lecture on growing up.  My fantabulous co-teacher, who co-teaches with me for just the one class, brought me a Popsicle!

While eating the Popsicle, I lectured the children on growing up and being better people.  I probably shouldn't have stuck my blue tongue out at them in various intervals during the lecture...

.... I know.  You're dying to know the story behind the foot.  I'll have to tell you later since I've got to run - dinner plans.  For now, just try to imagine me asking children, as I left the building to go home, if they would like to smell my foot.

Monday, May 16, 2011

And I saw this:

Can you rent these things? What merits having the weinermobile in my city?
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"New" Things

While staying home with the plague, I decided I ought to find a box large enough to ship out my first wedding gown.

About that... I am a confirmed online-shopaholic.  So, when I got engaged, I began scouring the internet for a gown.  This is before I ever tried on a gown and had any idea of what would look good or what I truly wanted.  So, needless to say, I bought a gown I later regretted (not what I was looking for, way too big, etc.).  Fortunately, I was able to list the dress on Once Wed and it sold fairly quickly to someone who will likely appreciate it more than me.  I digress.

In my closet I had a big Disney box large enough in which to ship a wedding gown.  However, in this box was a bunch of clothes I had packed up after I had gained weight.  As of today, I've lost 18 lbs since August 2010.  It's amazing what a massive amount of walking and limiting portion sizes as well as junk food intake will do.  Anywho, I decided to try on everything in the box.  All of it fit!  Half of it was so out of style there was no reason to keep it, so it went into another box to donate.  It was like getting new stuff for free!

While going outside for a moment, I discovered the "Walking Iris" plant had bloomed!  This thing rarely blooms.  Even when it does, it never has more than 2 blooms at once.  This time, there were 4 blooms!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Obligatory "Back-to-Blogging" Lament/First Post

During my foray into the world of personal branding (thanks, Twitteratti PR friends), I decided to delete all of my blogs since they wouldn't necessarily mesh with the professional Lindsey I was attempting to market at the time.  Not that I was concerned about my personal life and opinions affecting my chances of getting a career; I was concerned that I was marketing myself as an expert in an area about which I had no professional blogs.

Anyway, I could go on explaining all of this, but, alas, I've given up writing about the Houston job search ( is a joke).

So, here we meet again, blogosphere.  I don't know where this blog will go.  I do know that I'll be sharing my creations from Prim Beads, thoughts on life, various photo observations of life in Houston, and perhaps a few too-good-to-not-share stories from the classroom.