Sunday, January 21, 2018


Scuttle, from The Little Mermaid, is my adventure spirit animal.  Often misguided and confused, an adventure is an adventure.  "We're out to discover!"

Any time I hear the music from Pirates of the Caribbean, I feel like going on an adventure.  I also feel like I'm endlessly playing Lego Pirates of the Caribbean.

The prompt for today was to share what music makes you feel adventurous.  What makes you feel adventurous?  Is it music?  A burning question?  Boredom?

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Thanks for the Advice, Alice

Today's prompt asks me for words I want to share with people.  See above.

Now, eating and drinking everything you see probably won't solve your problems.  In fact, it'll likely cause more problems.  However, odds are you will probably eat and drink some awesome things.  So kind of win?

I find this inspiring.  #Dreams


Friday, January 19, 2018

You're Not Helping, Piglet

And neither are any of my readers.

While looking at my journal prompt list to see what today's journal prompt was, I realized that I stopped on 16 on the 17th (when I supposedly caught up). None of you said anything. :P

Anyway. It's been long week in Houston (ba-dum-tis), so I'll forgive you.

17. A quote that inspires you. I really miss Doctor Who. I miss the adventures and wonderful nuggets of wisdom like this quote:

18. A mistake that helped you grow.  I made the mistake of not holding people in my personal life to higher standards and allowing them to treat me as a sub-par friend or family member. I'd been asked for years why I bothered with people who don't make the same effort back. I'd responded that I would rather have a crappy relationship instead of none at all. I learned what a mistake that was. I shouldn't have been so surprised when people acted the way they did after having acted similarly for years. I've grown to realize that I, like everyone else, have limited time and it should only be spent on those who respect and care for me.

19. When you feel the most rested
.  Man, I don't know the last time I felt rested. I've had trouble sleeping and I've also spent days just sleeping... I've still felt tired.

I suppose the last time I wasn't feeling horribly stressed and was able to just relax and rest was during my 2016 summer La Jolla, California trip. No one in my family was terribly sick, no one had died, everything was just okay in the world. I enjoyed watching the ocean waves from my hotel rooms (which were all chosen for their views). It was nice to sit and just be in the quiet of my room, watching the ocean.

I suppose, to answer the question, I feel the most rested when I know the people who mean the most to me are okay. Then I can relax and rest.


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Happy Birthday, Dad

Today is my Dad's birthday.

Dad would be complaining about the cold temperatures, possibly even considering going to the lake, regardless.  Nothing a campfire and some of your cowboy coffee couldn't solve, right, Dad?

I know he wouldn't want me, or anyone, to be sad or crying on his birthday.  Instead, try to think of happy times and happy memories of him.  Share your stories with others.  Celebrate his life on his birthday.  Have a slice of cake and be happy.  I know that's what he would want.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Oh My Blog

It started with a 3 day weekend due to MLK Day.  Then came the cold front/winterymixpocalypse. FBISD cancelled school for Tuesday and Wednesday.  It looks like we'll be going back for a 2 day work week.

I'm catching up on things I should have been doing and one of them is blogging.  The journal prompts I've missed are below.  Don't expect full responses to each - some of them suck.

I'll be back to blogging in less of a list type manner starting tomorrow.  Looking forward to the weekend! lol

5. A time you don't want to forget. My wedding.  I had so many people there who I loved.  We all had a great time.  I danced and danced.  Everyone was happy. 

6. A trip you want to take this year. I don't know.  I don't have any specific places in mind.  I'd like to see people.  I'd like to see my family and friends in El Paso (for a fun trip, not the result of something bad happening), my sister Jerra (and maybe meet my nephew), perhaps a trip to Arizona to see Alex and California to see Michael.  There are so many people I'd like to see.  Heck, maybe I'll just take a cruise with Dan.  I just need life to be less filled with bad trips so I can make time for good trips.

7. Your top 3 priorities. Family/friends, my library and its minions, my health.  I know I need to up my self care...

8. A list of places you have visited. Skipping.

9. Do your actions match your words? Yes.  Sometimes my words are quite lofty.  I try.

10. One thing you have learned about yourself last year. I am ever the optimist.

11. A challenge you have overcome. Fucking 5:30 am alarms (excuse my language).

12. A need you can meet. Doing more things which make me happy - like blogging, reading, and spending time with people I like.

13. A place you have been recently. Tul-sa, Oklahoma.  I don't know why I break Tulsa down into two separate pieces when I say it... but yeah.  Visited for Jono's graduation.  It was an adventure.  I'd never been there before.  It's VERY wide open.

14. Someone who made you proud. There are people in my life who make me proud every day just by getting up and doing what they do.  Sometimes that is a battle.  Know I love you and appreciate you.

15. A good idea. Sleep. Reading. Travel. Adventure.  These are all of my favorite good ideas.

16. What are your personal gifts. I'm resourceful and kind. 

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Ice Breakers, Eye Patches, and Garbage, Oh My!

Going back to work excites me.  Ice breakers?  Not so much.  It's no secret to anyone, including the people I train with on the regular, that I loathe ice breakers.  While today's wasn't as bad as the picture below, it was an ice breaker, nevertheless.  To make up to everyone else for the ice breaker I didn't force us all to do, when I had to do some training in the afternoon, I opened the library cafe for free coffee, hot chocolate, or tea for everyone.  No ice breakers, only happiness in cups.

In other news, I achieved 1 of 3 goals I set for myself this month in my first post.  I went to the eye doc today.  He gave me a hard time about not wearing my glasses.  I suggested I just get an eye patch to cover my right eye ("the bad one").  While an obviously stylish choice, he vetoed the idea and again insisted I just wear my dang glasses.  I agreed I would and put my glasses away as I left his office.

Today's journal prompt was: "Something that you're looking forward to".  I wasn't inspired by that because I already answered "What are you most looking forward to" as my first prompt.  I feel like this list of journal prompts was something that was an assignment a student turned in, expecting the teacher to not actually read it and notice that half of it was garbage.  

Anyway.  Instead, I'm going to leave you with a quote, because I want to: "What you allow, is what will continue." - Unknown

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

It's All Poop

I hate to use the same meme base in two blogs, back to back, but whatever.  This best described my day.

The journal prompt for the day is: Describe your day in ten words.

1 & 2 - Dragon poop
3 & 4 - Cat poop
5 - Sick
6 & 7 - Boring shopping
9 - Tears
10 - Cranky

I guess today was both a good day and a bad day.  I'd rate it a solid 6/10.  I woke up and got ready at a reasonable hour, regardless that it was my last day of winter break, to go see my new doctor - Dr. Hotty McHotface.  I've had sinus and lung issues for about 2 weeks which had not been improving on its own. 

Before heading out, I decided to make good on my promise to the husband to clean the cat box.  For two cats, there was way too much poop in that box.  Maybe the weight loss kibble is working?  Maybe the husband is using the box too?  Who knows. 

As I was washing my hands, I heard the bearded dragon start pacing around her terrarium.  I went to investigate.  Now, the dragon is poop shy.  She will avoid pooping when someone is watching.  Today I discovered that she will stop, MID-POOP, if someone is watching.  She froze. She looked at me, I looked at her.  Disgusted, I went off to get cleaning supplies.  I came back to a dragon poop explosion.  Sometimes I hate her so much.

I finally made it to my appointment with Dr. Hotty McHotface.  He was super nice and straightforward.  I don't have the death-plague, so I have to go to work.  

After grabbing Chicken Fries from Burger King (they make me happy), I decided to brave the Walmart Neighborhood near my house.  It wasn't bad, which led to me doing more shopping than I had planned.  I guess the fancy cottage cheese with fruit mix-ins counts as therapeutic shopping.  I'm still counting this as a No Spend day in my n-bujo-jo.  I even remembered to pick up bacon for the instant bacon maker my mom sent me.  We'll try that another day.

As I pulled up into the garage, I broke down crying over my dad.  I don't even know what triggered me.  I tried to pull myself together, but couldn't quite get myself to stop.  It hits me hard when it hits me that he is really gone.  It's so easy to tell myself that he is just doing his thing - going to work, then heading off to the lake for the weekend.  I don't know why I'm breaking down randomly.

In an attempt to pull myself out of it, I did a bunch of chores around the house.  The husband was visibly pleased (actually smiled at my accomplished tasks) when he got home.  Making myself busy helped.

I'm just cranky at this point.  Not sure why.  I've made myself a coffee, Sadie is curled up behind me, acting as a kitty heating pad, dishes are done, laundry is almost done (early! Not even waiting until Sunday!)... but still.  I'm ready to start another day.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

2018 - Let's Do This

When I was thinking about arbitrary New Year resolutions I could gleefully decimate or habits I could track in my fancy new non-bullet journal journal (n-bujo-jo, for the hip), I remembered that I have a blog.  I also remembered that I loved writing and I haven't done much of it in a very long time.

Armed with 365 prompts and endless electronics which connect to the intarwebz, I find myself with no excuse not to blog. So, here we go.

Also, I'm making up for Monday because I already skipped day one (HA).

Jan. 1 - What are you most looking forward to?

Positive change.  I need to be more mindful of the things I do and how they effect me mentally, physically, and financially.  Yes, this all sounds like work, but holy cats, it's about dang time.

I've been watching some of my friends set up their fancy bujos (bullet journals).  I started pinning ideas I liked for my own bujo.  My wonderful mother, though confused by my request for pens and markers for Christmas, bought me what I asked for.

I set out to make my own bujo.  After several days of frustration and stress (this thing was supposed to make my life better, not more stressful), I gave up.  I mean, really, I can't even handle the stress of adult coloring books.  I can't imagine what made me think I would find peace/happiness/whatever-it-is-you're-supposed-to-find by making one of these things.

In a random retail therapy trip to Hobby Lobby, I discovered their Create 365 - The Happy Planner line of planner things.

Now, I put everything of importance on my Google/MS Office Calendars.  If it needs to be done, or someone needs me somewhere at a particular time, it goes there.  Then I get reminders on my myriad of connected devices.  I have no need for an actual planner for things like that.

However, these things have stickers.  LOTS of stickers.  I like stickers.

So, I bought a mini planner and an obscene amount of stickers (thousands...).  I also bought more pens because I found some which were glittery and my world needs a little more shine right now.

My mother thought I was crazy for numbering each day of the year on my new calendar.  I know you can buy calendars with the days already labeled for you, but this one has STICKERS for each day!

I've put a few different things on the sideline under "Notes" that I intend to track: Blogged, No Spend, No Sugar, Cooked at Home, etc.  

I'm hoping this new toy keeps me entertained enough to keep to these resolutions/goals.

Jan. 2 - Three goals for this month.

I feel less bad for starting this blogging thing on day 2 as opposed to day 1 since the prompt is connected.

One of my main goals I'm tracking in my n-bujo-jo is No Spend - my goal to spend less on stupid (though fun) stuff.  So far, so good.  I fear I'll just save up everything I want to buy and buy it all at once so it looks like I've made progress in my n-bujo-jo... We'll see.

A huge goal is to start renovations on my bathroom.  Our bathroom had to be torn out completely due to mold and moisture in the insulation in the walls.  It's unrelated to Harvey, but it occurred at the same time.  Let's just say the people who flipped our house before we bought it deserve whatever poor karma comes their way.  

Finally, I need to get my eyes checked.  My old glasses work ok... but not well enough for me to want to bother with them.