Monday, May 23, 2011

Dear Powers That Be,

I'm extremely grateful for the opportunities you have brought my way over the past year.  I am now a successful teacher who loves her job dearly.  I've made some fantastic friends I'll probably have for life.  Additionally, I'm also now engaged to a man who is not only wonderful to me, but is also my intellectual equal and best friend.  I thank you for those large events and all the small ones in between.

However, I need a break.  Not in the "summer break" sort of way, but in the "lay off the bad shiznit" sort of way. Every time things start to go really well, another damned letter comes in the mail or a "friend" goes absolutely bat-shit crazy and starts sending out lunatic messages because she forgot her medication.

For those who worry; please don't.  There's nothing going on that I/we can't deal with.  It's just a matter of being tired of it being one more senseless thing after the next.  I'm trying to believe the world is not populated with as many stupid/lazy/crazy people as it seems.

In an attempt to make this post not all emo ranting, I've included a picture of the Walking Iris plant from this morning, which had 6 (6!) blooms as well as a picture of Moira, my Bengal mix cat snuggled up to a bear my students gave me.  Enjoy.

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