Armed with 365 prompts and endless electronics which connect to the intarwebz, I find myself with no excuse not to blog. So, here we go.
Also, I'm making up for Monday because I already skipped day one (HA).
Jan. 1 - What are you most looking forward to?
Positive change. I need to be more mindful of the things I do and how they effect me mentally, physically, and financially. Yes, this all sounds like work, but holy cats, it's about dang time.
I've been watching some of my friends set up their fancy bujos (bullet journals). I started pinning ideas I liked for my own bujo. My wonderful mother, though confused by my request for pens and markers for Christmas, bought me what I asked for.
I set out to make my own bujo. After several days of frustration and stress (this thing was supposed to make my life better, not more stressful), I gave up. I mean, really, I can't even handle the stress of adult coloring books. I can't imagine what made me think I would find peace/happiness/whatever-it-is-you're-supposed-to-find by making one of these things.
In a random retail therapy trip to Hobby Lobby, I discovered their Create 365 - The Happy Planner line of planner things.
Now, I put everything of importance on my Google/MS Office Calendars. If it needs to be done, or someone needs me somewhere at a particular time, it goes there. Then I get reminders on my myriad of connected devices. I have no need for an actual planner for things like that.
However, these things have stickers. LOTS of stickers. I like stickers.
So, I bought a mini planner and an obscene amount of stickers (thousands...). I also bought more pens because I found some which were glittery and my world needs a little more shine right now.
My mother thought I was crazy for numbering each day of the year on my new calendar. I know you can buy calendars with the days already labeled for you, but this one has STICKERS for each day!
I've put a few different things on the sideline under "Notes" that I intend to track: Blogged, No Spend, No Sugar, Cooked at Home, etc.
I'm hoping this new toy keeps me entertained enough to keep to these resolutions/goals.
Jan. 2 - Three goals for this month.
I feel less bad for starting this blogging thing on day 2 as opposed to day 1 since the prompt is connected.
One of my main goals I'm tracking in my n-bujo-jo is No Spend - my goal to spend less on stupid (though fun) stuff. So far, so good. I fear I'll just save up everything I want to buy and buy it all at once so it looks like I've made progress in my n-bujo-jo... We'll see.
A huge goal is to start renovations on my bathroom. Our bathroom had to be torn out completely due to mold and moisture in the insulation in the walls. It's unrelated to Harvey, but it occurred at the same time. Let's just say the people who flipped our house before we bought it deserve whatever poor karma comes their way.
Finally, I need to get my eyes checked. My old glasses work ok... but not well enough for me to want to bother with them.
In regards to achieving goals, I am reminded of my student teaching semester many years ago. A parody of "Silence of the Lambs" had come out and the Hannibal Lector character told the police that human flesh tasted like chicken (I am leaning more towards pork, but no one is willing to participate in the taste test). Anyway, I had just completed a really great lesson for my English classes and one of my mentor teachers asked me what I felt the success I had just experienced tasted like. Flatly {as I was still concerned about minor flaws in the lesson}, I told him - success tastes like chicken.