Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Oh My Blog

It started with a 3 day weekend due to MLK Day.  Then came the cold front/winterymixpocalypse. FBISD cancelled school for Tuesday and Wednesday.  It looks like we'll be going back for a 2 day work week.

I'm catching up on things I should have been doing and one of them is blogging.  The journal prompts I've missed are below.  Don't expect full responses to each - some of them suck.

I'll be back to blogging in less of a list type manner starting tomorrow.  Looking forward to the weekend! lol

5. A time you don't want to forget. My wedding.  I had so many people there who I loved.  We all had a great time.  I danced and danced.  Everyone was happy. 

6. A trip you want to take this year. I don't know.  I don't have any specific places in mind.  I'd like to see people.  I'd like to see my family and friends in El Paso (for a fun trip, not the result of something bad happening), my sister Jerra (and maybe meet my nephew), perhaps a trip to Arizona to see Alex and California to see Michael.  There are so many people I'd like to see.  Heck, maybe I'll just take a cruise with Dan.  I just need life to be less filled with bad trips so I can make time for good trips.

7. Your top 3 priorities. Family/friends, my library and its minions, my health.  I know I need to up my self care...

8. A list of places you have visited. Skipping.

9. Do your actions match your words? Yes.  Sometimes my words are quite lofty.  I try.

10. One thing you have learned about yourself last year. I am ever the optimist.

11. A challenge you have overcome. Fucking 5:30 am alarms (excuse my language).

12. A need you can meet. Doing more things which make me happy - like blogging, reading, and spending time with people I like.

13. A place you have been recently. Tul-sa, Oklahoma.  I don't know why I break Tulsa down into two separate pieces when I say it... but yeah.  Visited for Jono's graduation.  It was an adventure.  I'd never been there before.  It's VERY wide open.

14. Someone who made you proud. There are people in my life who make me proud every day just by getting up and doing what they do.  Sometimes that is a battle.  Know I love you and appreciate you.

15. A good idea. Sleep. Reading. Travel. Adventure.  These are all of my favorite good ideas.

16. What are your personal gifts. I'm resourceful and kind. 

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